Securitum training courses are conducted by IT security enthusiasts who love sharing their practical experience in this area. They always make sure that the knowledge provided is up-to-date, adapted to the various needs and proficiency levels of all participants.
Securitum has been present in the IT security industry since 2009. Continuously from 2010 onwards, as a company, and then a group of companies, it has been providing cybersecurity training and security audits.
It is distinguished by the fusion of these two areas of expertise: continuous knowledge acquisition and transfer along with its use in everyday work.
We carry out approximately 800 security audits and 130 training sessions annually.
This impressive number of projects proves that:
We only invite people with outstanding knowledge in the field of cybersecurity to cooperate with us. Importantly, this knowledge results from their many years of practical experience. The core of the training team are Securitum auditors who, by performing hundreds of audits a year, always have up-to-date knowledge about current threats and ways to defend against them. We also cooperate with leading specialists in the cybersecurity market, valuing their knowledge, experience, as well as the ability to convey messages effectively and attractively to participants.
Our coaching team is outstanding in the market, because we are:
The distinctive Securitum training program is inspired by the professional experience of trainers. Learnings are also tailored to the needs and capabilities of the recipients to whom each of them is addressed. The issues discussed are often case studies built on experiences of pentesters, auditors, engineers and bughunters.
The Securitum training outshines the competition, as we have:
Securitum training courses are tailored to the needs of recipients and their stage of development in the area of IT security: from the Sekurak Academy (intended mainly for people at the beginning of their cybersecurity career), to advanced training (intended for experts in the subject) or sessions finished with the international CEH certificate. Regardless of the level of proficiency, training offered by Securitum is always provided with access to additional materials and support from the instructors: online and onsite.
Especially in the case of workshop training the help of trainers is mainly provided by:
The strength of Securitum is its practical approach to each topic: learning by doing and encouraging people to solve the problems discussed on their own, often in the form of proof-of-concept. It is attention to detail and sensitivity to every aspect of IT security in various scenarios that could be encountered in life.
The usefulness of the topics discussed in the everyday tasks performed by Securitum training participants is mainly guaranteed by:
The founder of the company – Michał Sajdak – is recognizable in the Polish and foreign environment as a professional and very competent trainer, an excellent speaker, and effective pentester. Furthermore, he is an editor of the portal, as well as books devoted to various IT security issues.
The Securitum team includes enthusiasts who follow their own paths, develop their interests every day, look for ways to know more the next day and then to use this knowledge or to pass it on. Their passion is contagious.
Number of B2B clients
IN 2023
Since 2019, Securitum has been publishing books in the IT security field. Their authors are Polish practitioners who deal with the discussed topics on a daily basis. A practical approach to the presented topics are hallmarks of these publications, as is the desire to provide the reader with the most important information, without excessive theory.
It is a good reference point for administrators, programmers, testers and managers who seriously consider delving into the IT security world.
Authors of chapters in volume 1Łukasz Basa | Gynvael Coldwind | Tomasz Dacka | Marcin Dudek | Bartosz Jerzman | Konrad Jędrzejczyk | Wojciech Lesicki | Paweł Maziarz | Marcin Piosek | Iwona Polak | Piotr Ptaszek | Marek Rzepecki | Michał Sajdak | Wiktor Sędkowski | Grzegorz Trawiński | Tomasz Turba | Krzysztof Wosiński | Marek Zmysłowski
See alsoChapter: Penetration TestsContentsThe book collects basic information about security problems of web applications and discusses in detail the basic technical issues. It makes a solid foundation for a programmer, pentester or bughunter.
AuthorsMichał Bentkowski | Artur Czyż | Rafał ‛bl4de’ Janicki | Jarosław Kamiński | Adrian ‛vizzdoom’ Michalczyk | Mateusz Niezabitowski | Marcin Piosek | Michał Sajdak | Grzegorz Trawiński | Bohdan Widła
See alsoChapter: Basics of the HTTP ProtocolChapter: Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) VulnerabilityContentsFeedback received after training sessions
Huge practical knowledge of the presenter.
It was great, best trainer ever :)
Great work, fluent live coding without just copy-pasting was really engaging.
Amazing job, especially interactive demos where we tried to exploit specially prepared systems.
Thank you! It was one of the best training sessions I participated in!
10/10, Michal is an expert at what he does, that much is obvious and he also has a flair for communicating & presenting.
Excellent, couldn't be better. Appreciated the good humour as well ;)
Extremely knowledgeable, great presentation skills.
Very good speaker who explains quite well things so the training is very accessible even if I'm not a technical champion. All was very clear and interesting, thanks again for that!
Deep knowledge of the whole browser stack by the trainer. Getting first-hand state-of-the-art knowledge on browser security from him.
I loved the fact that the training was not only touching some security basics, but also covering very sophisticated attacks.
The trainer did a very good job. You can see that he is an expert on the matter.
Currently open trainings are conducted remotely, and have the same program as stationary trainings. Participants perform the same exercises, the instructor is at their disposal throughout the duration of the training.
We train mainly via our YouTube channel (@sekurakTV) and Google Meet. On each platform, you can ask the trainer questions. In case of the closed training, we can use the platform used by the client.
We provide stationary training for closed groups of any sizes; all details are discussed with the client (companies/organizations, etc.).
Most of the training is available to participants in the form of video recordings. Some workshop training courses with available labs (e.g. CEH Exam Preparation or Network Security/Penetration Testing) are only available in live format and are not recorded. Information about the availability of video recordings are always provided in the training description.
Yes. We offer trainings of various levels of difficulty. For both beginners and those who already have experience in cybersecurity. Our training courses are marked with stars (from 1 to 3). Training with one star is at the beginner level, two - intermediate, and three - advanced. We especially encourage you to take an interest in our new project - the Sekurak Academy. There are at least 15 "live" training courses for participants each semester and an excellent community of "cybersecurity experts". They will be happy to address your questions, doubts or advice on professional development. At the Academy, trainings are of varying levels.
Yes. We often run various promotional campaigns. We encourage you to subscribe to our newsletter, which is the best source of information about trainings and discounts. Feel free to visit and our social media to learn more.
Yes. We organize Mega Sekurak Hacking Party conferences once or twice a year. You can learn more about the event itself at